
Inscríbe cursos de formación general dictados en inglés y mejora tus oportunidades para realizar movilidad internacional!

2 enero 2024

Se acerca la incscripción de ramos en la UDP y bajo ese contexto hacemos un llamado a las y los estudiantes a conocer la oferta que estará disponible este semestre que permite internacionalizar tu currículum! La Dirección General de Relaciones Internacioales y el Departmento de Estudios Generales impartirán nuevamente una oferta de 5 cursos que serán dictados en inglés de diferentes topicos. Mediante estos cursos buscamos fomentar el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística aplicada en áreas disciplinares dando espacio a que las y los estudiantes puedan practicar sus conocimientos de idioma en conextos académicos.

Para fomentar e incentivar que el estudiantado tome estos cursos hemos dispuesto los siguientes incentivos y facilitadores:

  • Las clases serán impartidas en inglés, sin embargo, no es requisito excluyente el uso de este idioma al 100%, dado que la mayor importancia se destina al aprendizaje de contenidos. Por ende, las y los profesores que dictan estos cursos tendrán flexibilidad en permitir diferentes dinámicas en cuanto al uso del idioma, según las necesidades y capacidades de las y los estudiantes. Durante el semestre irá aumentando la exigencia y nivel del uso de inglés.
  • Habrá apoyo disponible de un(a) ayudante de la carrera de pedagogía en inglés para resolver dudas, consultas y entregar apoyo con preguntas sobre el elemento idiomático del curso.
  • Si las y los estudiantes terminan el curso con al menos una nota mínima de 4.0 se les dará un puntaje adicional de 0.5 para reconocer el esfuerzo y reto adicional que implica participar de cursos en otro idioma.

Todas estas asignaturas no requieren de conocimientos previos en sus materias o áreas disciplinares, sin embargo, sí recomendamos tener un nivel mínimo de inglés para poder participar, donde lo ideal es que hayas completado inglés III, o bien, que puedas entender por ejemplo peliculas y series en inglés o mantener una conversación sobre un tópico de interés.

Motívate a globalizar tu carrera én la UDP y verás los beneficios a la hora de buscar trabajo a futuro, habiendo practicado y aplicado tú inglés en ambientes disciplinares.

¿Por qué tomar estas asignaturas?

  • Podrás conocer estudiantes de otras partes del mundo, ya que estas asignaturas son parte de la oferta de cursos que toman las y los estudiantes de intercambio que visitan la UDP.
  • Podrás poner en práctica tus conocimientos idiomaticos y perder el miedo antes de, por ejemplo, atraverte a postular a un intercambio en algun país donde se requieren saber inglés.
  • Aprender sobre tópicos que son de relevancia internacional, lo cual sumará a tener una mirada global para analizar tópicos de interés laboral.
  • Pasarlo bien! Las y los profesores de estas asignaturas son personas seleccionadas con un CV con muchas experiencias y conocimientos relevantes que les permitirá abrir sus horizontes. Ellos/as buscan generar un ambiente de aprenidzaje común donde se puedan intercambiar ideas, experienicas y que haya interacción en el aula desde el respeto y la empatia.

¿Cómo inscribirte? La inscripción de estos ramos se hace mediante la inscripción de ramos general de manera electrónica entre el 8 y 12 de enero 2024.

Todos estos cursos tienen 5 creditos. Conoce la oferta en detalle a continuación:

Professor Guillermo Ramírez (Chile) has an MBA from Cambridge University and Masters in Economics & Public Policy. Over 15 years of practical business experience in a broad range of strategic leadership roles, managing commercial and technical teams with multiple stakeholders within dynamic matrix structures such as BHP (Mining Industry).

In this course, the student will learn about the characteristics of the biggest multilatinas, how they have built their domestic and international competitive advantage, and they will identify which are the challenges and innovations to achieve the sustainability of their superior economic performance. Themes that will be touched upon are: How do multilatinas create competitive advantage? Driving forces behind business development in Latin America, Internationalization strategies, Innovation and entrepreneurship in Latin America.

This subject is taught in the first and second semester each year.

Claudia Gonzaléz (Venezuela) is an Economist with a Master’s Degree in Political Science and International Relations. Claudia has worked for the foreign affairs departments of Australia, Canada, and Sweden, but also at a national level in Chile as a Ministerial Advisor. Her areas of expertise include gender, migration, trade and development within the realm of international cooperation and diplomacy.

The course program is designed to provide students with the tools to understand and analyze the concept of Sustainable Development (SD) and the environmental, social and economic effects it has in governments’ agendas. The role of International Organizations and how different countries engage on this subject. In the last part of the course, students will be encouraged to apply the theory to specific Case Studies.

This subject is taught in the first and second semester each year.

Alejandro Rossi (Chile) has a PhD from UC Davis in Spanish on Designated Emphasis and Human  Rights Studies, as well as expertise in the field of Native American Studies. He has an extended experience as peer reviewer, received several fellowships, grants, presenting papers at conferences on indigenous topics from diverse perspectives from Chile and other countries.

The course’s main objective is to read and analyze seminal works by authors from indigenous communities in Chile and the Americas to reflect on the colonization process and the imposition of the values of Modernity on the indigenous populations and territories that we inhabit today in the Hemisphere. We aim to recognize and value the worldviews of a range of Indigenous Communities (Mapuche, Quechua, Mayan, Zapatism, Mohawk, Anishinaabe, among others), with the intention of enriching and expanding our own perspectives about the world. To do this, we will specifically problematize the ideas of class, race, gender, and territory in order to comprehensively understand the diverse worldviews that meet and dispute in our 21st-century global societies.

This subject is taught in the first and second semester each year.

Scarlet Elgueta (Chile), Astronomer with PhD from The University of Tokyo, Japan, with a strong focus on spectroscopic observations, particularly of variables in the infrared bands. She is a scientist with a strong need to share/exchange knowledge with different people from diverse backgrounds to teach them about the universe in a practical and every day, hands-on way.

This course will help you defining reality requires the acknowledgement of the most inherent dimensions. We sense the passage of time by observing the movement of the sun up in the sky, providing us the notion of day and night. Such natural (and obvious) observations imply the realization of the basic three “units” that describe what we have been observing throughout the history of humanity. Those units are: Mass, in this simple case, the Sun that moves a certain distance (Length) in Time (a day). This lecture aims to review the methods that astronomers and other scientists have used to estimate distances in the Universe. From the very unimaginable quantum lengths to the immeasurable edge of our observable Universe. Allowing the student to reach a full realization of our place in the Universe, and understand how, from our very tiny spot, we’ve been able to reach extremely accurate measurements employing the scientific method. NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE NEEDED!

This subject is taught in the first semester each year.

Maria Teresa Durand (Argentina) is a sociologist (Universidad del Salvador, Argentina) with postgraduate studies in social anthropology at Goldsmiths College (London, United Kingdom). She has carried out investigations applying qualitative and participatory methodologies with women and girls, and vulnerable/excluded groups for more than twenty years. She has a proven track record (2003-2012) as a British government civil servant in leadership and advisory roles on mainstreaming social development and gender equality into public policy programs (social benefits, private sector,  infrastructure, health, education) in Africa (Somalia, Ghana), Eastern Europe (Moldavia, Ukraine), Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo), South Caucasus (Armenia), and Central Asia (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan).

This is an introductory course that provides students with an understanding of a wide range of US and Latin American feminist issues. The course offers an overview of ideas, discussions
and recent debates concerning feminism and women’s social mobilizations from the Alaska to Patagonia. We will investigate contemporary feminist thoughts from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and theoretical orientations. We will also think through the ways in which sex/gender, sexual desire and the body intersect with race, class, and the nation by looking at the US as well as selected countries in Latin America.

This subject is taught in the second semester each year.

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