We are happy to announce that UDP International is launching the following international summer and winter programs on different topics related to Chile and Latin America. All programs are based on interactive and hands-om experiences where you can get to know our experts at UDP, as well as visit local sights of interest in different parts of Chile. For questions please email us at [email protected] or enrol directly through this link: ENROLMENT
Have a look at the informational flyer here
The winter version is each year the last two weeksof July, and in the three week program includes the first week of August.
The summer version is each year during the month of January. Exact dates can be requested through [email protected]
Are you interested in learning about doing business in Latin America? Diego Portales University is launching a two week international course on this specific topic, with an academic program that includes visits to local institutions and enterprises. The program will be complemented with training on intercultural teamwork and social activities to get a real local immersive experience, whilst learning about the local innovation and entrepreneurship environment. We will be happy to accept students from all study areas, it will be a multidisciplinary course.
Did you know that Chile has one of the best and clearest skies on earth to observe the universe? In this course, fully taught in English, you will understand the power of the light during day and night and also you will explore how the daylight and solar energy is used in Chile to power it´s transition towards sustainable energy. Besides, this course includes a field trip to the Northern part of Chile (Antofagasta) to visit and observe the sky in different ways, to live the on-site experience of observing the stars and the sun after studying the theory behind all these phenomenon for three weeks. We will be happy to accept students from all study areas, it will be a multidisciplinary course.
In this course there will be a combination of Spanish classes with readings and discussions of works of fiction and poetry that inform the reader of the place of the human being in relation to nature, community and history with emphasis on idealized societies in Latin America. The course will focus on those subjects from a Chilean perspective. As a country which has been a distant isolated “frontier” since pre-hispanic times to present days. The perception of time and space, and the relationship of Chilean culture with the rest of the South America and Europe, has been marked by the condition of being a sort of cast out country, mainly due to its geography. So, we will move from the mythological, to the archeological, the historic and the political. From mythical cities such as El Dorado or the City of the Caesars, to actual archeological artifacts, contemporary narrative and poetry that deal with current tensions while at the same time constructing imagined communities that either amplify, solve or transcend those tensions. We will read texts by Gabriela Mistral, Pablo de Rokha, Pablo Neruda, Vicente Huidobro, Violeta Parra, Raúl Zurita, among others. A field trip to the Chilan coastal area is included as well as many interesting sight visits in Santiago.
(ES) En este curso los estudiantes aprenderán a crear reportajes periodísticos multimedia sobre deportes, utilizando diferentes formatos y canales digitales para contar historias de manera efectiva y atractiva. El objetivo final es que los estudiantes desarrollen un reportaje periodístico sobre un tema deportivo de su elección.
Dirigido a: Estudiantes de pregrado del programa de Periodismo y Opinión Pública especialmente y a estudiantes de los demás programas de pregrado y posgrado que estén interesados en adquirir y profundizar sus conocimientos del periodismo deportivo.
Metodología: El curso combinará clases teóricas con ejercicios prácticos y trabajo en grupo. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en la creación de su propio reportaje periodístico multimedia sobre un tema deportivo de su elección.
Beneficios del programa: Los participantes adquirirán conocimientos y herramientas en los distintos factores que intervienen en el proceso producción de la información deportiva para los diferentes medios de comunicación. Así como la construcción, investigación, producción y promoción de reportajes y noticias en el mundo del deporte.
Fecha: Del 8 al 14 de octubre de 2023
Costo: 900 USD