Global Learning

American Corner

The American Corner at the Universidad Diego Portales (AC UDP) is a cultural space that offers information about the United States, located in the Nicanor Parra Library at UDP. It is part of the global American Spaces network, a public diplomacy program of the US government, which has more than 850 spaces for events and activities on bilateral and cultural issues, scholarships and study opportunities in the US, and conferences with US experts. In Chile, there are 14 American Spaces; you can find them here

Its six priority areas of work are: Information about the United States; English language learning support; advising on education in the US; cultural programs; skills development; and activities with Department of State alumni.

The AC UDP also has a varied collection of American movies, books, and magazines -in English and Spanish- on diverse topics such as US history, political science, literature, economics, art, architecture, English language practice, specialized dictionaries, and biographies of US figures, among others.

Here you can find a wide variety of activities for you to immerse yourself in American culture. We love to promote conversation and cultural exchange, so we have conversation groups led by national and international volunteers, book and music clubs, among others. In addition, we offer special events to celebrate holidays as well as performances by American bands or choirs. You can also enjoy our completely free movie screenings and attend academic and informative talks on various topics.

In our library, you can access a wide collection of books and magazines in English and Spanish, completely free! You only need to request an access card from our coordinator. We also have various board games available for use.

We invite you to be part of our community at the American Corner UDP!

(ES) Abrieron las postulaciones a la convocatoria para ser parte del programa “Summer-semester program: Wake Forest University”.

Este programa contempla 5 becas para que estudiantes UDP puedan vivir la experiencia de tomar clases con una universidad extranjera sin salir del campus. Las clases de este programa se darán en la UDP dentro del marco de la visita de un grupo de estudiantes de Wake Forest University junto a profesores de la misma universidad. Está abierto a estudiantes de cualquier carrera, solo se requiere contar con una carta de apoyo de la dirección o secretaría de estudios de su escuela.

Las clases se impartirán en inglés, por lo cual se requiere un nivel intermedio-avanzado (B1) del idioma, el que será constatado a través de un proceso de entrevistas. No es necesario contar con una certificación del manejo del idioma.

El programa se llevará a cabo desde el próximo 8 de enero hasta el 10 de mayo de 2024, con receso en febrero y un viaje programado a Argentina y Uruguay en el mismo mes. Las becas incluyen alojamiento y pasajes para los y las seleccionadas.

Es requisito que el estudiantado tome un curso enfocado en Política en América Latina y asistir como oyentes a otros cursos con enfoque en: Economía, Historia y Música. Es importante que mantengan su asistencia y aprueben el curso obligatorio (el de política), para que sea convalidado por un CFG.

La convocatoria está abierta hasta el domingo 5 de noviembre y las entrevistas se llevarán a cabo entre el 6-9 de noviembre. 

Quienes postulen también deberán incluir una carta de motivación, su CV, y su certificado de estudiante regular.

Adjunto se encuentran las bases con la información completa.

Inscripciones en este link.

Para consultas escribir a [email protected] 

Become a volunteer at the American Corner! From weekly facilitation opportunities to one-time events, volunteering is very flexible and adaptable. Find your niche and lead discussions according to your interests and skills. This is a great opportunity for students to working with important organizations and most importantly, contribute to the UDP and local community.

Click on the form to leave your contact information and availability, as well as the topics of interest with which you could work during volunteering.