About us

Internationalization Management

For the implementation, coordination and monitoring of internationalization actions, a series of administrative supports are required that allow their proper functioning. That is why we dedicate this section to inform about the regulations, instances, protocols and other administrative documents that allow the correct implementation of internationalization actions.

Internationalization Committee

Given that internationalization is a transversal aspect to all areas of development at our university; undergraduate and graduate; research, innovation and creation, as well as other dimensions of outreach and public engagement, the schools organize this function in a heterogeneous way. In some faculties there is a specialized and transversal coordinator who supports the dean in the management and coordination of internationalization at all its levels and units.  Through an Internationalization Committee, the International Office strengthens and coordinates different actions, facilitates the exchange of good practices and fosters instances that promote and strengthen internationalization processes in the UDP.

Name Faculty Position
Pablo Rojas Engineering and Sciences Director de Gestión 
Juan Montiel Medicine Director de Investigación
Maria Paz Rodriguez Dentistry and Health Decana
Simona Blanco Law Coordinadora de Vinculación con el Medio e Internacionalización
Andrea Lagos Communication and Arts Académica Escuela de Periodismo
Julie Kim Economy and Adminstration Directora de Relaciones Internacionales FAE
Jorge Marchant Education Coordinador Académico
Nelson Lavandero Psychology Secretario Académico de la Unidad de Posgrado
Carlos Meléndez Social Sciences and History Académico
Bárbara Pino Architecture, Arts and Design Directora MODUS UDP Diseño


Relevant Regulations for Internationalization