
UDP School Of Medical Technology and the Autonomous University Of Guadalajara (México) collaborate on a COIL Project

31 August 2023

More than 120 students of the UDP Medical Technology career participate in the project.

Between Wednesday, August 9 and 30, the Collaborative Learning International Workshop (COIL) is taking place at the School of Medical Technology of the Faculty of Health and Dentistry UDP, in conjunction with the Autonomous University of Guadalajara.

The project, entitled “Mexico-Chile Educational Integration: Analysis of the Physiopathology of hematological disorders”, aims to develop the exchange of knowledge, skills and scientific skills, socialize sociocultural elements of interest to both nations, reflections and particular perspectives between the student body and teaching team from Chile and Mexico for the pathophysiological study of hematological diseases that compromise blood coagulation in the human organism.

Objectives of this project:

Develop the exchange of scientific knowledge, abilities and skills, reflections and particular perspectives, between the student body and the teaching body, for the pathophysiological study of hematological diseases that compromise blood coagulation in the human organism.
Position the student of Medical Technology (Chile) of the UDP, in an international environment, with students of the Medicine career of the Faculty of Medicine (Mexico) of the UAG.
Develop points of view and forms of clinical and pathophysiological approach, according to the analysis of hematological diseases that develop in different clinical and sociocultural contexts.
Develop two questions of an integrated clinical case, considering this task as a deliverable activity, product of international collaboration between both groups of students.

The main collaborative tasks that the students will be carrying out in groups during the workshop will be the analysis of clinical cases from both disciplines, with a focus on hematology issues. It should be noted that this is the first time that an exchange project with the COIL methodology is implemented at the School of Medical Technology UDP, being a pioneer in the faculty, and highlighting that the students are second year and collaborate with 4th year students of Medicine in Mexico.


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