
UDP faculty participate in a theoretical-practical workshop on the application of the COIL methodology

18 July 2023

On July 12 and 13, 24 academics from five different faculties (Health and Dentistry, Administration and Economics, Law, Engineering, and Science and Psychology) participated in the second version of the workshop “Collaborative International Online Learning (COIL) for an inclusive and transversal internationalization”.

This activity was carried out within the framework of the cycle of Teacher Training Workshops, an instance that is organized by the Office of the Academic Vice-Rector in order to provide a space for improvement and experimentation of pedagogical tools for teaching.

On the occasion, the workshop was given by Richard Gillibrand, coordinator of International Student Mobility of the General Directorate of International Relations, who delved into the COIL methodology, based on the teaching of theoretical and practical aspects for its application in the courses of the University.

The COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) methodology emerged in the 2000s with the intention of democratizing and mainstreaming the internationalization of students at the State University of New York. This, product of the varied personal, economic and/or academic challenges that existed in the US population to carry out face-to-face-international mobility during their academic training.

In this sense, Richard Gillibrand explained that “although the COIL methodology intensified in the pandemic era, when almost all face-to-face mobilities were frozen, it must be emphasized that COIL is not trying to replace face-to-face mobilities”. According to him, his application “is a complement for international and inclusive mobility.”

It should be noted that the COIL methodology is part of the “Global Training” axis of the UDP Internationalization Policy, which in turn is in line with the strategic plan of the campus, which focuses on interdisciplinary learning.

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