
Faculty from the School of Midwifery and Neonatology took an English course and global and intercultural competence at the Canadian University

29 August 2023

Barbara Guttierez, an academic from the School of Obstetrics and Neonatology at the Faculty of Health and Dentistry completed a training course in English combined with classes on global competence and intercultural communication at Dalhousie University, Canada in August. This course is part of the new offer of the DGRRII for international complementary training, for access to graduates, students and teachers. The academic in this instance sought to improve her English language skills but also sought to strengthen her international network for research purposes.

He tells us that: “My experience at Dalhousie turned out to be very positive in different areas. First, I successfully met the initial objective of passing the English Learning Communication course and the Global Competence and Intercultural Communication elective course. In both, I highlight the expertise and professionalism of the teachers in charge, who motivated our participation through active and diverse methodologies.In the role of student we carried out individual and group work, where we were able to put written and oral language skills into practice, in addition to having participated in spaces for reflection and analysis on issues that are transversal and of global importance such as the environment, interculturality, leadership, globalization, among others.”

Apart from the academic, he highlights that “Personally, it was a very enriching experience, I was able to exchange opinions, stories and experiences with people from other countries and cultures, which allowed me to diversify and broaden the perspectives regarding the same problem, the biggest learning was to break paradigms and find value in inclusive views and free of individual interests, seeking strategies to contribute to a more productive and equitable society at the same time.”

Finally, he adds that “The opportunity was given to have a meeting with part of the Management team of the Faculty of Health of Dalhousie University, who received us in a very cordial and welcoming manner. At the meeting we were able to learn about the admission processes, articulation of subjects and graduation profile, in addition to other aspects such as the operation of the clinical simulation center, which operates in an interdisciplinary manner. Likewise, the space was opened for collaborative research work in my line of research, which is vaccination against HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) in the school population. One of the academics, Awdry Steenbeek, works on the same research topic, so we stayed in touch to continue future joint research.”

We thank Barbara for sharing her experience with us!



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